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Lead wool
As a caulking jointing matertial, lead wool has a super ductility, for which it is no need to make a heat tredtment when in use. Lead wool is handy used in nuclear power. According to the size of the crack, normally twist the lead wool into the corresponding lead rope, than fill it into the crack di…
Lead shot is mainly used as the filling material of the radiation-proof facility for the architecture. It's not necessary to be processed in use. Lead ball has a good flowing property that is not restricted by the shape and dimension. High density. Filling density of common standard lead shot can re…
We provide lead wool blankets for the nuclear industry. Our lead blankets are used mostly for radiation shielding. These lead blankets are made with high quality lead wool to QC-C040 Type II Grade C is oriented and machine compacted to the required density for consistent attenuation.The periphery i…